Basement Excavation for New-Build Construction

Basement excavation for a new house includes design, heavy machinery excavation, grade maintenance, accurate dimension measurement, and careful backfilling. Holyoak X in Santaquin, UT provides designs, leaving home design to architects. The process demands meticulous planning and execution for success.

Steps In The Process

    • Create a comprehensive plan outlining the house's footprint, utility locations, and site grading.

    • Holyoak X offers various project designs, leaving the home design to architects.

    • Use heavy machinery and skilled operators to dig out soil and rock for the foundation and basement.

    • Maintain correct elevation throughout excavation for a level foundation using laser levels and precise grading.

    • Accurately measure foundation dimensions, ensuring the house is built to specifications.

    • Carefully backfill around foundation walls, preventing water seepage and ensuring support.

    • Gradual backfilling avoids damage and settling issues.

    • Basement excavation is a complex yet crucial process in new-build construction. Meticulous planning and execution, including precise design, excavation, grading, and backfilling, ensure the success of the project.

    • Explore different basement excavation methods HERE.

    • Learn about proper drainage grading around a home HERE.


home excavation services in Utah

Get a quote from us.
(435) 260-1445

Santaquin, Utah